Should I revamp my website?

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Supporting Business
Supporting Business
Jan 3, 2011
Ok, so I have been looking at my website, and have been thinking I need to revamp it a bit.. It seems a bit dated, and boring. I was thinking about doing a wordpress themed site, similar to something that does for people. The difference being, I can do the wordpress thing on my own, and I built my current site on my own as well. I am just thinking it needs a revamp, but I am not sure what exactly I want to do... Any thoughts are appreciated.
I did 'MUD on my own, and had 509 do the RC one. Honestly, at some point, you are too personal/close to your own product to keep the ideas flowing freely.

Wordpress is a good tool, one that plays well with communication to and feedback from customers, and the ability to push info to FB and Twitter.

Install it, play with it...suspect you'll like it :)
I use Wordpress for a couple blogs that I maintain.. I saw that you had 509 media take care of Truth be told, thus far, I like Mud's layout more than RC, but that could change with just a little persuasion!
509 did a lot of CSS and image work, much of the layout is my fault :) I've actually been eying up the layouts and taking notes for future's too busy right now, and I've got some ideas to fix that

Hard part is keeping the sites looking unique...I know FAR too many folks who build multiple sites and end up with them all looking the same.
Scott I think you could use a revamp. If your thinking it then your probably on the right track. Time is hard to come by in my world for sure and I have zero knowledge on building sites. I agree with Woody when hes talking about being to personal to keep ideas flowing...

I have a guy that has been building my website and I have pretty much given him full creative control. I have been very impressed so far... He is a wheeler and understands the sport and my business. I can say even though I dont have the products or services page done (waiting on me) that the attractive web-site has created me so much more business than the old site the previous owner had up did... He explained to me that its like the show-piece rig for your shop but for the guys that are on the net... Its what makes them say "I want that guys stuff!!!" and it has worked...

Just my .02


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