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4th of July 4x4 Spectacular
Uvalde, Texas
June 3-5, 1998

Lance gives the ledge hell in his CJ.

Josh tries and tries to make it over the step, but kept getting high-centered in his TJ.

One spot got Dan Neuss in a pretty good predicament in his TJ.

The Project TJ sits and waits for it's chance. After studying the other TJ's, the fully locked Mad Cow walked right up the wall! Of course, once you do something like that, you become the official spotter!

Unfortunately, this is where the story ends for me. After coming down off of the river bank, I had a blown wheel cylinder. It was leaking brake fluid very badly and caused my brakes to lock up every time I'd touch them. It was only about 1:30pm and I was heading back into town. After cleaning up, grabbing a bite, airing and gassing up, I headed back home to Austin. Short day with problems. Oh well. Want to see more? Go read about Lance's or Shawn's trips here!